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Thread: my `76 GOLF 3dr

  1. #151
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    Quote Originally Posted by Preen59 View Post
    Can't tell you what the offset is, but they'll fit a mk1. A mate of mine in town has a mk1 4 door with mk3 steelies.
    yea everyone does basically. the guys at the shop donno what they're on about. i think it's 45, just from looking at the wheel, but I'm not 100% sure.

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  2. #152
    Join Date
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    Good luck on the RWC

  3. #153
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    Talking Yay For Roadworthy-ness!!

    RWC = PASS

    yay. passed through RWC today, only 200 bucks later! ha! So I'm pretty happy atm..

    only a few things left to do now:

    1) Bung in new plugs, and get car tuned/timing done/etc. ( none of which I know how to do/have done before)

    2) Figure if my car's overheating, and If so why.

    3) Get my fuel gauge/temp gauge fixed. Then do 2) again.

    4) Get this baby registered!!!

    Hopefully, thats all, for now at least.

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  4. #154
    Join Date
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    congrats jarred youve got 3monts to get a pinkslip now

  5. #155
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    Quote Originally Posted by william View Post
    congrats jarred youve got 3monts to get a pinkslip now
    not down here got 3 days to get reg'd. what is pink slip anyways?

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  6. #156
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    woops different state dif laws in sydney you have three months from when your rego expires to register or else you need a road worthy certificate blue slip then a pinkslip basically a lights check then a green slip which is insurance then rego

  7. #157
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jarred View Post
    1) Bung in new plugs, and get car tuned/timing done/etc. ( none of which I know how to do/have done before)

    2) Figure if my car's overheating, and If so why.

    3) Get my fuel gauge/temp gauge fixed. Then do 2) again.

    4) Get this baby registered!!!
    1. Plugs are obvious. Timing is easy. Just loosen the clamp on the distributor and rotate it back and forth 'till it seems happy. Give it a bit of a rev and see how it responds. Then drive the car and see if it pings, if it doesn't rotate the distributor further clockwise 'till it does, then back it off a bit.

    Tuning the carby is a black art. Very few people are good at it but lots will charge for it anyway. If it starts and idles it's probably OK. the only setting you can change on a stock carb are idle speed and mixture. Idle speed is obvious and you can play with the mixture and see what happens. Too rich and the exhaust will smell of petrol and the pipe will run black. Too lean and it won't idle well and might have problems coming off idle. Just drive it around the way it is for a bit then try a small 1/4 turn adjustment on the mixture for a bit and see how it goes. It's not going to make a massive performance difference if you get it a little bit wrong.

    Why do you think your car is over heating? Signs of overheating are loss of power, pinging, radiator shooting out through bonnet etc.

    3. That's the three pin voltage reg in the back of the cluster that needs replacing. About $20 from an autoelec or ask around here. Could also be a fried membrane cct board.

    4. Take a book to the RTA and allow plenty of time. I always seems to be down there for hours before I'm seen. The actual tranactions can take as little as 5 minutes. You can ask for slim plates or regular plates, the slim ones look a bit better IMO.


  8. #158
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    Well done on the pass dude!
    I take it you went straight home and banged in those seat belts!
    Looks like Dean has made two happy customers in one day!
    I'll be back there asap with everything fixed, almost finished fixing things on my list!
    WOOT WOOT for RWC's!!!

  9. #159
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    awesome man, now get the bloody thing reg'd so we can go to Tims tommorow
    thats right im giving you a day
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  10. #160
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    lucky for you sean, that list looked pretty damn big! I'm geussing it musta been pretty small things then??

    thanks for the help pete.
    I've had a bit of a chance to fiddle with the carb, and while it does everything fine atm, I'll give it another once over after I do the timing and plugs.

    I think my car's over heating because the thermo fan will go on after even a 5 min journey, in todays heat. like It wasn't that hot today, and I didn't go thrashing it (okay, i did, but like twice) and then once I go home, the fan started up. Just a concern I spose.

    oh and does anyone know any good auto electricans?

    and josh, you are a dreamer... lol I still havn't got "proper" ownership papers yet, so I'll have to wait for them first.

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